About Adeptellect

Collaborative Solutions

We exist to enable people to make insightful business decisions to transform the future.

We have a demonstrated understanding of the needs of the industries we serve and creating reliable products to serve them.


Marcus SmedleyExecutive with over 32 years in Upstream Oil and Gas Equipment and Services business.

Irfanul Hassan Technologist with over 30 years in the Manufacturing Automation business.


We have a collective of advisors and subject matter experts to assist in specific projects across all functions and geographies.

We bring an experienced team of professionals from IT, Cloud Computing, Machine Automation, Industrial Manufacturing, and subject matter experts from the industries we serve.

Industrial Manufacturing Solutions

Today’s manufacturing environments are requiring increasingly efficient methods to produce and move physical goods while thinking beyond productivity, cost savings and risk reduction.

Future survival will require manufacturers to be nimble organizations that minimize risk and seize opportunities through deep operational insights and confident decision making.

Manufacturing analytics solutions enable you to tune production operations for minimal cost and risk while capitalizing on data as an asset that helps deliver innovative services and quality products  made possible in the connected economy.

Upstream, Midstream and Downstream Solutions

Today’s Upstream operations are striving to lower their risk, increase productivity and cut the costs of exploration and production. From managing reservoirs, production and drilling operations, safety assurance, asset management and maintenance, energy firms must successfully address a growing range of business and technical issues. Digital oil field technologies allow companies to capture more data, with greater frequency, from all parts of the oil and gas value chain and analyze it real time, thus optimizing reservoir, well and facility performance.

In Midstream operations, with the shortage of pipeline and gas processing infrastructure, there is a need to ensure reliable, timely transportation of product at the least cost. Midstream operators are looking for ways to ensure early signs of distress to eliminate environmental impact. Midstream businesses can re-tool using digital technologies and use data and diagnostics to create a competitive advantage.

Downstream refineries, particularly in the post COVID environment, are challenged to flex the variants they produce and react quickly. Refineries can be proactive by creating optionality by using digital tools regardless of what they produce to improve productivity and profitability.

The result: highly reliable data feeds, asset visibility, greater operational efficiency and increased safety and environmental protection.

Our team can configure and deploy the technology to inform, identify, and predict, allowing you to improve your operations.

Can data analytics improve your operations?